This page is dedicated to those of you that work in an office every day and cannot get out in the field as much as you would like. The Daily Office View will give you a "snapshot" of life in the field of arboriculture and urban forestry. I hope you enjoy them!
As a professional Arborist and Urban Forester I am usually out in the field during the really nice days, and working in the office when the weather is funky. My office view sometimes changes daily while other times it may change several times a day. One of the joys of this profession is having my office view change on a regular basis.
I like to show young people all the different kinds of things an Arborist and Urban Forester does, because the job isn't always about pruning, planting or removing trees. As you will see in this photo album a career in urban forestry can take you to some pretty neat places.
When considering a career there are a lot of different opportunities in many professions. Actually, urban forestry interacts with so many other professions it is the Arborist or Urban Forester that will teach other professions how to work around trees. One big aspect about a career in urban forestry is interacting with people. A career in urban forestry can take you to neighboring communities, other cities, states and countries. If you like people, you can find a job in urban forestry where you interact with people every day, or if you don’t like working with people you can get a job where you rarely have to interact with anyone. You also have enough field work to get you outside when the weather is nice and enough paperwork to keep you inside during harsh weather.
A healthy urban forestry program can build community strength and a job in urban forestry can have a positive impact on the environment. Urban forestry improves the quality of life and Arborists and Urban Foresters work to benefit the environment for the future. Laws and ordinances have changed over the past several years to protect trees and their standard of care has improved. A good urban forestry program brings trees to neighborhoods and school campus’ to make communities a nicer place.
I hope these photos encourage people to advocate for urban forestry, start the conversation about urban forestry with their neighbors and community leaders and to continually seek out sites where trees can be planted.
© Walter Warriner Consulting Arborist