Video: The Value of Trees
Urban forestry is generally defined as the art, science and technology of managing trees and forest resources in and around urban community ecosystems for the physiological, sociological, economic, and aesthetic benefits trees provide society.
To break that down into practical terms urban forestry can be tree inventory and management programs, long range urban forestry management plans, tree risk management programs, tree appraisals and quantification of environmental benefits, root/infrastructure management, tree preservation plans, construction management, damage mitigation, tree view resolutions, public outreach and education programs and providing accurate information to decision makers.
As a Consulting Urban Forester I provide the following services:
- Tree care and urban forestry programs for municipalities, county agencies, school districts, homeowner associations and private residents.
- Development of long-range urban forest master plans and tree inventories with multi-year tree care plans and budget projections for tree maintenance operations.
- Writing tree ordinances.
- Project management for tree preservation programs in capital improvement projects including project planning, design, engineering, contract development and administration.
- Development of tree protection plans for mature trees during construction.
- Technical input for proper design of infrastructure and buildings.
- Tree risk assessments of public trees and recommended mitigation plans.
- Establishing best management practices, policies and procedures for urban forest care for tree care contractors and in-house staff.
- Public outreach and education about urban forestry to elected and appointed officials, non-profit organizations, schools, homeowner associations and private individuals.
- Working with public agencies and constituents to resolve disputes over property line trees and tree/view conflicts.
- Diagnosing and treating pests, which threaten the health of urban forests.