Water Gum
The water gum (Tristaniopsis laurina) is a small, slow growing evergreen tree with a dense, rounded, or sometimes columnar crown. They can reach a mature height to 20 feet with an equal sized canopy spread. They develop a slender trunk that will not get much wider than 12 – 14 inches. They have an attractive, patchy mahogany colored bark that peels with age to show the new white under bark. The foliage is glossy, with lance shaped leaves that are dark green above, light green beneath. Some cultivars will have broader shaped leaves. They produce tiny fragrant yellow flowers in late spring to early summer. Heavy blooms are accompanied by copious amounts of pollen which can be a deterrent. Flower production is followed by small ¼ inch capsules. They are a good street tree for confined areas, narrow parkways, tree well cutouts or under utility lines. They will tolerate light shade and moist conditions and do not have any significant pest problems.
© Walter Warriner Consulting Arborist