Sweetshade (Hymenosporum flavum)
This is an erect slender evergreen tree that reaches a mature height of 40 feet with a canopy spread of 15-20 feet. They have glossy dark green leaves with finely pointed tips that are typically crowded towards ends of branches. They produce clusters of tubular flowers that are cream colored that turn a golden yellow with a reddish throat. They bloom from spring into summer and have the strong fragrance of orange blossom. Flowers are followed by fruit that is capsule with many 1 inch sized winged seeds. This a good tree for confined grow spaces and are attractive when planted in small groves. They need good drainage and an occasional deep watering. Branches naturally form with weak unions that have a tendency to break. To reduce the potential of branch failures begin cultivating the structure within the first year after planting with successive pruning treatments every other year until established. No significant pest problems are known at this time.
© Walter Warriner Consulting Arborist