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Deodar Cedar (Cedrus deodara)
This is a large evergreen with a conical shape that can reach a mature height anywhere from 40 to 80’. Its canopy width typically spreads 20 to 30’ but can be as wide as 50’ at its base. The trunk diameter can reach up to 36 – 40 inches at maturity with an even wider trunk flare. The trunk stays fairly straight with lateral branches that are typically horizontal. The tops of mature trees will have a natural bend to them giving an almost flat-topped appearance. The dripline of the canopy droops as the tree grows, and will require pruning for vehicular or pedestrian clearance beneath the canopy every 3 - 5 years. Canopy pruning can go 5 - 7 years between prune cycles. They do not tolerate root damage, but younger specimens can be relocated provided they get adequate post relocation care. Young trees do best in dry conditions with infrequent watering. They are drought tolerant once they become established.
Cedrus deodara_mature form-multi trunkCedrus deodaraCedrus deodaraCedrus deodaraCedrus deodaraCedrus deodara