This is a moderately fast growing conifer that can reach a mature height of 40 - 80 feet with a canopy spread of 40 – 60 feet. Mature trunk diameters can range anywhere between 36 – 48 inches. As this species of pine approaches maturity they can cause extensive hardscape damage unless they have ample space for its broad trunk flare and extensive surface roots. They tolerate a moderate level of root pruning, but larger specimens are subject to failure when root loss is extreme. The recommended pruning cycle for mature trees is every 4 years to maintain their current size and shape. Stone Pines that go too long between pruning cycles and experience drought stress are subject to failure of large limbs especially during the hottest period of summer. Like the other pines, the stone pine is subject to infestation by bark beetles, especially if they are over pruned, pruned during the summer or experience extreme drought stress.
© Walter Warriner Consulting Arborist