Blue Gum, (Eucalyptus globulus) An evergreentree that typically matures at a height anywhere from 90 to 180 feet with canopy spread of 60 feet or more. They grow best in soils that are moderately fertile and well drained. Its barksheds throughout the year peeling in large strips. The broad juvenile leaveshave a blue-grey appearance with a waxy surface. They produce showy cream-colored flowers in the summer followed by numerous small seeds. The eucalyptus is an efficient dry land tree and will put out a vast network of roots underground to seek out moisture. In a dry environment that will produce an extensive network of roots just below the surface with few anchoring roots that grow deep and no taproot. When blue gums are planted in irrigated settings they tend to grow a large canopy but do not form the extensive root mass it would in dry soils.